  • Warenannahme / Ausgabe Mo. - Fr. von 07.00 bis 16.00 Uhr | Bürozeiten Mo. - Fr. 08.00 – 12.00 Uhr & 13.00 – 16.00 Uhr
Fon 04173 58181-0 info@haerterei-haupt.de
21442 Toppenstedt Quarrendorfer Weg 16

Blasting and Bronzing


Sandblasting, Glass bead blasting, Steel ball blasting, Priming

The different blasting processes are for:

        • Descaling and derusting of semi-finished products (slabs, sheet metal, profiles)
        • Freeing from sandy deposits and descaling of heavy metal castings
        • Descaling of forgings
        • Burring and levelling of LM casting
        • Preparation before coating.

With the glass bead blasting method, we clean component surfaces, remove the protective paste after the partial nitriding process and use this as a polishing opportunity during Tenifer® QPQ treatment. With this process, we prevent the work pieces from being damaged. This means that specified dimensional tolerances, edges, connections and sealing surfaces remain intact.

Steel ball blasting is used to remove surface contaminations as a result of thermal processes - all the more important, as oxidation residues or similar can significantly contaminate the cooling lubricant during a subsequent treatment process like turning, polishing etc.. In addition, the components get a clean and optically appealing surface.

If desired, for subsequent varnishing, we provide the respective priming coats.


Bronzing is for forming a thin protective coating on ferrous surfaces in order to diminish corrosion. The work pieces are immersed in acidic or alkaline solutions respectively, or molten salt, which forms mixed oxide films (conversion coatings) of FeO and Fe2O3 of deep black colour. The bronzed work pieces remain largely true to size due to the thin coat thickness of approx. 1 µm.

Owing to the porosity of the bronzing coating, they are only slightly anticorrosive, which can however be significantly improved with oiling or greasing.These coatings are mostly flexing- and abrasion-resistant, as well as temperature-resistant up to 300 °C. They are mostly used in mechanical engineering and tool manufacture.

The process is standardized according to DIN 50938.


Blasting: 3100 x 6000 mm max


Bronzing: 3000 x 1200 x 450 mm


Sandblasting, Glass bead blasting, Steel ball blasting, Priming.


Semi-finished products (slabs, sheets, profiles), heavy metal casting, forgings, light metal casting.


Tempered steels, rolling bearing steels, special steels, all alloyed case hardened steels.

Frank Wolter

Frank Wolter

Phone +49 4173 / 58181-0

Manager of the Härterei Haupt

Michel  & Stefan Haupt

Michel & Stefan Haupt

Phone +49 4173 / 58181-0

Contact for heat treatment in general